Weight Loss

Weight Loss Program Logo

We use a medication called Semaglutide that acts on the pancreas to aid in lowering blood sugar, reducing cravings and slowing digestion. These mechanisms keep you feeling full, prevent you from overeating, which along with calorie and activity modifications, will ultimately lead to weight loss!

Our specialized program is supervised by a physician or one of our nurse practitioners. Clients are closely monitored by our healthcare team throughout their participation in the Mesquite Weight Loss Program, which includes…

  • A complete history and physical.
  • Initial and periodic labs.
  • All medications.
  • One-on-one medication administration instructions and supplies.
  • MIC- B12 injections to help facilitate weight loss and boost energy.
  • Meal and exercise plans.
  • Wellness visits to check in on your program progress.

The program is offered as a membership for $300 per month.

The use of medications for weight management is indicated for patients who have a BMI of 30 or higher, or a BMI of at least 27 with other medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

The only contraindications for use of Semaglutide are:

  • A personal or family history of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma, or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2.
  • A history of gallbladder disease (unless you have had your gallbladder removed).
  • A history of pancreatitis.

If you’re ready to start on a path to healthier YOU, get in touch with us today!
520-722-0744 Ext 231


Our Location

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Mesquite Gastroenterology and Surgery Center


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm






  • "Jackie Camargo is an individual who truly loves what she does and that is evident from the moment you walk through her door. She is warm, caring, good listener and a truly excellent provider. I would recommend her to all of my family and friends."
  • "Jackie is amazing. Very thorough and such a pleasure!! My results were exactly what I was looking for and I would recommend her highly to anyone."
  • "I had literally tried EVERYTHING for weight loss with no success until I met Jackie. Her clear and easy plan helped me drop 25 lbs in 8 weeks. I would recommend her to anyone who is serious about making a change and needs the proper guidance and accountability."
  • "I love Dr. Arenas and his staff. I had two endoscopic procedures and all was smooth. Good follow up . Professional and highly recommend. Sandra Voorhis"
    Sandra V
  • "Jackie is the best. She is the most supportive healthcare provider I have ever dealt with. With her help, I lost just under 60 pounds and have learned to keep it off. She’s always a text or call away for support or questions. I would recommend her services to anyone that wants real, long lasting weight loss support."